Six Common Birds You’ll See (and Hear) in Beijing

its charismatic
Birding Delights: Discovering China’s Avian Wonders
Photos of Light-vented Bulbul singing
Photos of Carrion Crow and Large Billed Crow in Beijing
Photos of Magpies in Beijing
Photos of Hoopoes in parks and wooded areas
Photos of Hoopoes feeding on insects
Photos by Ivan Sjögren
Photos by Jim Merritt
Photos by Amit Kher
Photos by Yasuhiko Komatsu on
Photos by CGTN
Photos by Hans Veth on Unsplash
Photos by ekicousch on Unsplash
Six Common Birds You’ll See (and Hear) in Beijing

Wherever I wander, be it the bustling streets or the cozy confines of my humble abode, my senses become attuned to the enchanting symphony of avian wonders. The flittering wings and melodic chirps of feathered creatures capture my unwavering attention, igniting an insatiable curiosity to discover the diverse array of bird species that grace my surroundings.

���� Exploring the Elusive: Unveiling the Enigma of the Light-vented Bulbul! ��✨

Oh, fellow bird enthusiasts, let me regale you with a tale of my tireless pursuit of avian knowledge! As I wandered through the untamed realms of nature, one challenge persisted: identifying those small and elusive birds that seemed to shroud themselves in mystery. But among them all, there was one winged enigma that captivated my attention like no other—the elusive Light-vented Bulbul.

It was a fateful day, way back in the enchanting year of 2012, when I first heard its captivating song reverberate through the lush foliage of a remote forest. Mesmerized by its melodic trill, I longed to catch a glimpse of this elusive songster, yet it remained a vexing puzzle for years to come.

Days turned into months, and months into years, but my quest for the Light-vented Bulbul never waned. I sought its presence in dense thickets, patiently scanning through the verdant canopy, and listening attentively to its elusive serenade. Yet, time and again, it evaded my eager gaze, disappearing into the depths of its leafy sanctuary.

But my passion for ornithology refused to be dampened. Armed with determination and an insatiable thirst for discovery, I embarked on countless expeditions, traversing diverse landscapes and untamed territories, all in pursuit of this elusive feathered companion. I consulted experts, studied field guides, and honed my skills in avian identification, striving to unravel the mystery that veiled the Light-vented Bulbul.

And then, the glorious moment arrived! A flash of vibrant plumage amidst a cluster of emerald leaves caught my eye, and my heart leaped with joy. There it was, perched upon a swaying branch—a vision of elegance and grace—the Light-vented Bulbul! Its distinctive vent and soft olive-green feathers blended seamlessly with its surroundings, bestowing it with an exquisite camouflage. No wonder it had remained a tantalizing puzzle for so long!

With trembling hands, I captured the moment through my lens, immortalizing the beauty of this elusive creature. The jubilant melody of its song filled the air, as if rejoicing in our long-awaited encounter. In that magical instant, I felt a profound connection with the natural world, an indescribable sense of fulfillment that only a dedicated traveler and bird enthusiast could comprehend.

My journey as a traveling photographer has been graced by countless remarkable encounters, but none have held the same allure as the pursuit of the Light-vented Bulbul. It serves as a reminder of the vastness of our planet’s biodiversity, urging us to cherish and protect these magnificent creatures that silently share our world.

So, fellow wanderers and bird enthusiasts, let us embark on our own quests, venturing into the unknown, listening for the faint whispers of the avian world, and unraveling the mysteries that lie hidden amidst the tapestry of nature. Together, let us celebrate the splendor of our feathery companions and perpetuate the magic of exploration that binds us all.

Stay tuned for more captivating tales from my travels, for the journey has just begun!

������ #BirdsOfTheWorld #NaturePhotography #ExplorationUnveiled

Over the course of numerous years, I found myself enchanted by a familiar serenade that graced the early morning and late afternoon hours. It was the melodious voice of the bulbul, its delightful song resonating through the sprawling cityscape. With each passing day, its simple yet captivating tune echoed through the urban canyons, filling the air with the rhythmic cadence of “wee-wee-di-wee… wee-wee-di-wee.”

In a nutshell, it was just today that my quest for the elusive bird reached its culmination, thanks to the invaluable assistance of Terry Townshend, the esteemed leader of Birding Beijing since 2010. With Terry’s expert guidance, I unveiled the identity of the elusive songbird that had perplexed me for so long. But that’s not all! Terry generously shared insights about several other avian companions that grace the Beijing skies throughout the year. In fact, he even provided me with a treasure trove of their calls, which can be explored on YouTube. Prepare to be amazed as I unveil these common feathered wonders that inhabit the vibrant city of Beijing.

Eurasian Tree Sparrow

���� Unveiling the Notorious Songster: A Peek into China’s Charming Avian Resident! ����

Dear fellow adventurers, prepare to be captivated by the tales of an infamous little creature that reigns supreme in the vibrant tapestry of China’s avian kingdom. Nestled high among the treetops, this charming fellow’s lively squeaks can be heard echoing through the ancient hutongs, especially during tranquil afternoon strolls. Yes, my dear friends, I am referring to none other than the notorious songster of China!

This delightful avian resident has earned quite a reputation throughout the land, enchanting both locals and visitors with its melodic serenades. Its vibrant presence and musical performances have become an integral part of the Chinese natural heritage, embodying the spirit of the country’s rich biodiversity.

As you wander through the maze-like hutongs, immersed in the serene atmosphere, this feathered charmer will greet you with its distinctive vocalizations, instantly transporting you into a world of wonder. Its melodious squeaks resonate through the narrow alleyways, weaving a symphony that echoes the history and traditions of this ancient land.

Although small in stature, this spirited bird has managed to make a big impact on the cultural fabric of China. Its enchanting calls have become a familiar soundtrack to the everyday lives of those who call this nation home. The songs of the notorious songster serve as a reminder of the harmonious coexistence between man and nature, intertwining the urban landscape with the mesmerizing melodies of the avian realm.

But let us not forget that this avian celebrity is just one among the many awe-inspiring species that grace the vast Chinese landscapes. From the majestic cranes that dance gracefully in wetlands to the elegant egrets that adorn tranquil ponds, China boasts a diverse array of avian treasures. Each species contributes to the intricate mosaic of biodiversity that paints the canvas of this extraordinary country.

So, my dear explorers, keep your ears attuned to the symphony of the treetops, for it is there that the notorious songster unveils its captivating melodies. Allow its spirited squeaks to guide you on your journey, as you embrace the natural wonders that China so graciously offers.

Stay tuned for more avian adventures and tales from my travels, as we continue to unravel the secrets of this enchanting world, one bird at a time!

������ #BirdingChina #AvianEnchantment #NaturePhotography

marvel at their

Let’s take a leap back in time to the year 1958 when a bold initiative was undertaken to eradicate what were known as the “Four Pests” – flies, mosquitoes, rats, and sparrows. This program was sparked by the significant impact these creatures had on agriculture, particularly the dire consequences attributed to sparrows in relation to grain production.

���� The Sparrow’s Redemption: A Tale of Ecological Balance Restored! ����

Greetings, nature enthusiasts! Today, I bring you a remarkable story of a tiny bird that triumphed against adversity, showcasing the intricate balance of our natural world. Set your imagination free as we journey back to the era of 1958 when a monumental program was set in motion to eradicate the so-called “Four Pests”: flies, mosquitoes, rats, and sparrows.

In their quest to safeguard agricultural prosperity, the sparrow became a target, blamed for wreaking havoc upon the precious grain crops. With great fervor, the sparrow population faced a rapid decline, as the effects of this avian intervention unfolded. However, little did they know that the sparrows held a hidden secret, a crucial role in the delicate web of nature’s harmony.

As the sparrow population dwindled by 1959, an unexpected consequence emerged. The absence of these feathered guardians triggered an imbalance in the ecosystem, leaving crops vulnerable to the relentless onslaught of voracious insects. It became apparent that the sparrows, with their insatiable appetite for bugs, played a vital role in keeping pest populations in check.

Chinese scientists, in their relentless pursuit of knowledge, uncovered the truth. It was a revelation that sparrows primarily survived by feasting on insects. Realizing the intricate interconnectedness of nature’s tapestry, the program was swiftly halted, and a renewed effort commenced to protect and revive the dwindling population of these resilient songbirds.

Efforts were set in motion to nurture and replenish the sparrows’ numbers, for their survival held the key to restoring the delicate equilibrium that nature had bestowed upon the agricultural landscape. The awakening realization that the sparrow’s presence was not a menace but a vital ally brought about a profound shift in perception and conservation efforts.

Slowly but surely, the sparrow population began to recover, their melodic songs once again gracing the fields and gardens. With their triumphant return, the balance of nature was restored, as pests were kept in check, and the crops flourished under the watchful eyes of these avian guardians.

This tale serves as a poignant reminder of the intricate dance between all living beings, reminding us to cherish and safeguard the delicate balance that sustains our world. It reveals the immense power of knowledge and the capacity for change when we truly understand and appreciate the interdependence of every creature, no matter how small.

So, dear nature enthusiasts, let us continue to protect and celebrate the sparrow, symbolizing the resilience of our ecosystems and the remarkable ability of nature to bounce back when given the chance. Together, let us stand as stewards of our planet, nurturing and preserving the delicate threads that connect us all.

Stay tuned for more enthralling tales from the natural world, as we embark on a journey of discovery and appreciation for the extraordinary wonders that surround us.

������ #SparrowRedemption #NatureConservation #HarmonyRestored


Let’s delve into the avian realm and uncover an interesting fact about the bird species residing in the capital. Surprisingly, the list expands to include not just five, but seven remarkable birds, thanks to the presence of two crow species that have made this city their home: the Carrion Crow and the Large-billed Crow. Differentiating between these two feathered inhabitants is quite straightforward, as one showcases a stout-looking long bill, while the other lacks this distinguishing feature.

Like their fellow members of the crow family, these avian residents are predominantly scavengers, known for their charismatic and inquisitive nature. Birding Beijing highlights their distinctive traits, often observing them engaged in spirited interactions, occasionally even engaging in friendly scuffles with the next bird on our list, the magpie. Their vocalizations, characterized by squawks and calls, reverberate through the city, with a notable concentration near the illustrious Forbidden City.

Allow me to acquaint you with the captivating sounds emitted by the carrion crow and large-billed crow. Brace yourself for an auditory treat as you delve into the unique vocalizations of these avian companions. Prepare to be captivated by their distinct calls, as they add a melodious touch to the symphony of the urban landscape.

Oriental Magpie

���� The Enigmatic Rival: Unraveling the Intriguing World of the Eurasian Magpie! ����

Greetings, fellow nature enthusiasts! Today, I invite you to delve into the realm of an extraordinary avian species, the Eurasian Magpie, which takes center stage as a rival to the crows in the bustling capital. Known for its exceptional territorial nature, this captivating subspecies holds a remarkable reputation that has piqued the curiosity of researchers and bird enthusiasts alike.

Prepare to be awed by the intellect of these majestic birds, for they are believed to be among the most intelligent creatures to grace the skies. Some researchers even dare to deem them the epitome of avian brilliance, surpassing their feathered counterparts in cognitive abilities. Astonishingly, their brain size, relative to their body size, rivals that of humans and chimpanzees, elevating them to the zenith of avian intelligence.

As you observe these fascinating creatures navigate their territories, you will be struck by their shrewdness and adaptability. With each confident stride, they demonstrate an acute awareness of their surroundings, employing strategic maneuvers to protect their realm and secure valuable resources.

Beyond their captivating territorial behavior, magpies captivate our imagination with their inquisitive nature. Curiosity seems to course through their veins, propelling them to explore their environment with unwavering zeal. Their keen intellect manifests through problem-solving skills and an uncanny ability to adapt to new situations, solidifying their status as avian prodigies.

Venturing into the realm of these avian marvels, one cannot help but marvel at their captivating presence. They are a testament to the incredible diversity of intelligence that exists within the animal kingdom, urging us to reevaluate our perception of avian cognition and the intricate web of life we are fortunate to share.

So, my fellow nature enthusiasts, let us stand in awe of the Eurasian Magpie, the enigmatic rival of crows, whose exceptional territorial nature and remarkable intelligence have cemented their place as an extraordinary species. Together, let us celebrate the intricacies of their existence and embrace the wonders of our natural world.

Stay tuned for more captivating stories from the avian realm, as we continue to uncover the secrets and marvels that lie within the realm of birds.

������ #EurasianMagpie #AvianIntelligence #NatureWonders

The remarkable intelligence of Eurasian Magpies gives rise to a fascinating array of behaviors and habits. While their primary method of foraging involves scouring the ground for sustenance, these ingenious birds have been observed engaging in intriguing practices.

One such behavior involves the caching of food for future use. Magpies exhibit a remarkable ability to bury and store food, a testament to their forward-thinking nature and strategic planning. This unique habit ensures a reliable food supply during lean times, showcasing their adaptability and resourcefulness.

In addition to their food-related rituals, magpies also display a remarkable social sensitivity. On occasion, they have been witnessed participating in what appears to be “funeral” ceremonies for deceased magpies. During these solemn gatherings, they encircle the deceased bird and emit mournful squawks, as if paying tribute to their fallen comrade. This poignant display of communal mourning hints at the complex social bonds and emotional depth within the magpie society.

These intriguing behaviors remind us of the vast diversity and complexity of avian life. Through their actions, magpies provide us with glimpses into their rich cognitive and social lives, evoking a sense of wonder and admiration for the natural world.

As we continue to unravel the intricacies of these intelligent creatures, let us embrace the lessons they teach us about the interconnectedness of life and the endless marvels that surround us.

������ #EurasianMagpie #AvianIntelligence #NatureWonders

Azure-winged Magpie

���� The Tranquil Charmer: Discovering the Delicate Beauty of the Light Blue Magpie! ����

Dear fellow nature enthusiasts, prepare to be enthralled by the enchanting presence of a quieter relative of the oriental magpie. It is with great delight that I introduce you to the graceful and mesmerizing Light Blue Magpie. With its ethereal light blue wings and tail feathers, this avian gem adds a touch of tranquility to the serene spaces it calls home.

As you venture into the more peaceful corners of parks and temples, keep your eyes peeled for the delicate presence of the Light Blue Magpie. These graceful birds have a penchant for quieter surroundings, where they can gracefully unfold their vibrant plumage and bask in the serene ambiance.

Unlike their more solitary oriental magpie counterparts, the Light Blue Magpies thrive in the company of their kind. Their social nature shines through as they gather in groups, creating a lively spectacle atop temple rooftops or nestled within the lush foliage of trees. There is an undeniable charm in observing these avian gatherings, as their interactions unveil a captivating tapestry of communication and camaraderie.

With each graceful movement, these avian beauties paint a picturesque scene against the backdrop of their chosen abodes. Their elegant flight patterns and melodious calls add an enchanting melody to the tranquil spaces they call their own. It is as if they bring a touch of ethereal serenity wherever they go, reminding us of the harmonious coexistence between nature and sacred spaces.

So, dear nature enthusiasts, I invite you to embark on a journey of discovery, seeking the subtle wonders of the Light Blue Magpie. Let the peacefulness of parks and temples guide your steps as you immerse yourself in the serene beauty of these avian treasures. In their presence, find solace, and let their tranquil charm awaken a sense of awe and appreciation for the delicate intricacies of our natural world.

Stay tuned for more avian adventures, as we uncover the hidden gems that grace our planet with their majestic presence.

������ #LightBlueMagpie #Nature’sTranquility #BirdingBliss

Light-vented Bulbul

Just like my own experience, it is highly probable that you will have the pleasure of hearing the melodious song of this particular avian species rather than catching a glimpse of it. Referred to as “白头瓮” (baitou weng) in Chinese, which translates to “white-headed old man,” this charming songbird earns its moniker from the distinctive white crown of feathers located just behind its eyes.

���� A Common Delight: Exploring the Everyday Splendor of the “白头瓮” (Baitou Weng) Songbird! ����

Greetings, fellow nature enthusiasts! Today, I am thrilled to introduce you to a delightful avian companion that graces our parks and tree-laden landscapes with its presence. Allow me to unveil the beauty of the “白头瓮” (Baitou Weng) songbird, a familiar sight that enchants us with its vibrant energy and captivating habits.

When you find yourself surrounded by lush greenery, keep a keen eye and an attentive ear, for this splendid songbird is known to frequent such places. Parks and other tree-rich environments provide the perfect haven for the “白头瓮” to explore and thrive.

A versatile and opportunistic feeder, this charming bird indulges in a diverse diet. As it flits among the branches, you may observe it relishing the sweet succulence of berries, savoring the nourishment of vegetables, and diligently scouring for insects. Its adaptability and resourcefulness in finding sustenance add to the wonder of its existence.

The presence of the “白头瓮” in our everyday surroundings serves as a gentle reminder of the interconnectedness between nature and our urban landscapes. Its resilience and ability to coexist with us in our shared spaces inspire a sense of harmony and appreciation for the natural world that thrives amidst our bustling human communities.

So, my dear nature enthusiasts, the next time you find yourself in a park or any arboreal haven, take a moment to pause and listen. Immerse yourself in the sweet symphony of the “白头瓮” songbird’s melodic notes and observe its graceful movements. Allow yourself to be enchanted by its presence and discover the extraordinary in the seemingly ordinary.

Stay tuned for more enchanting encounters with the avian wonders that grace our world, as we continue our journey through the captivating tapestry of nature.

������ #BaitouWeng #EverydaySplendor #Nature’sHarmony


���� Discover the Exquisite Splendor of China’s Striking Jewel: The Hoopoe! ����

Greetings, fellow nature enthusiasts! Today, I invite you to embark on an extraordinary journey to encounter one of China’s most visually captivating avian treasures: the Hoopoe. With its vibrant and distinct plumage, this remarkable bird stands out as a true gem, waiting to be discovered by those with an eye for beauty.

As you venture into the enchanting landscapes of China, keep your senses attuned and your gaze keen, for the Hoopoe unveils its splendor to those who seek it. Adorned in a breathtaking blend of reddish tan hues, this bird’s plumage is an exquisite testament to the marvels of nature’s palette.

To identify this captivating creature, observe its charismatic features. The Hoopoe boasts black and white tail feathers that gracefully contrast with its reddish tan body. And what truly sets this avian jewel apart is its majestic “crown” – an adornment it proudly displays when threatened or excited. Witnessing this majestic display is a moment that will etch itself into your memory forever.

In your quest to behold this magnificent bird, be prepared to be rewarded with more than just its visual allure. The Hoopoe carries with it an air of elegance and mystique as it gracefully glides through the air. Its presence is a testament to the intricate balance of nature, reminding us of the delicate harmony that exists within the animal kingdom.

So, my fellow nature enthusiasts, let us embark on a quest to witness the resplendent beauty of the Hoopoe. With each sighting, let us marvel at the artistic strokes of nature that have crafted this avian masterpiece. May this encounter ignite a sense of wonder and deep appreciation for the incredible diversity that graces our planet.

Stay tuned for more captivating tales from the avian realm, as we continue to uncover the secrets and marvels that lie within the enchanting world of birds.

������ #HoopoeBeauty #Nature’sJewel #BirdingSplendor

���� Embarking on an Adventure: Unveiling the Hoopoe’s Habitat and Fascinating Feeding Habits! ����

Attention, fellow nature enthusiasts! Prepare to immerse yourselves in the captivating world of Hoopoes, these charming birds that grace our parks and densely wooded neighborhoods. Join me as we uncover their preferred habitats and the intriguing feeding behaviors that set them apart.

If you wish to catch a glimpse of these magnificent creatures, head to the tranquil haven of parks or neighborhoods blessed with lush wooded areas. It is here that the Hoopoes reveal themselves, their striking presence amidst nature’s embrace capturing our hearts and imagination.

As these avian wonders explore their surroundings, their diet consists primarily of earthworms and insects. With remarkable agility, they forage for their prey on the ground, savoring the bounty that nature provides. But here’s a fun fact that adds to their charm: Hoopoes have a unique method of enjoying their meals.

Watch in awe as they exhibit a fascinating feeding behavior. Hoopoes are known to bang insects on the ground, skillfully removing their legs and wings, before playfully tossing them in the air and devouring them with delight. This entertaining spectacle reminds us of the diversity of feeding strategies that nature has bestowed upon its creatures.

Dear friends, let us embrace the enchanting world of the Hoopoe. Explore the verdant landscapes where these birds thrive and indulge in their mesmerizing feeding rituals. Witness their elegant dance with nature as they seek sustenance, and let their presence remind us of the intricate interconnectedness of all living beings.

Stay tuned for more thrilling adventures in the realm of avian wonders, as we continue our journey through the rich tapestry of our natural world.

������ #HoopoeAdventure #Nature’sFeast #BirdingWonder

���� Capturing the Beauty: A Visual Journey through the Lens of Nature’s Finest Photographers! ����

Dear fellow adventurers, prepare to be captivated by a visual feast that showcases the remarkable talent of nature photographers who have captured the essence of our avian companions. Join me as we embark on a journey through these breathtaking images that transport us into the magical world of birds.

Our first stop is a tribute to the incredible work of Ivan Sjögren, Jim Merritt, Amit Kher, and Yasuhiko Komatsu, whose skillful photography brings us closer to the avian wonders that adorn our planet. Through their lens, we witness the vibrant plumage, the intricate details, and the sheer beauty that resides within each feathered creature. Their images remind us of the power of photography to encapsulate the essence and splendor of the natural world.

Next, we pay homage to the magnificent visual storytelling by CGTN, whose dedicated efforts bring us closer to the avian realm. Their images serve as windows into the lives and habitats of birds, allowing us to witness their remarkable behaviors, their vibrant colors, and their undeniable grace. Through their lens, we gain a deeper appreciation for the intricate tapestry of nature’s creations.

Our journey continues with a nod to the exceptional work of Hans Veth and ekicousch, whose contributions through Unsplash showcase the artistry of bird photography. Their images evoke a sense of wonder and curiosity, inviting us to explore the hidden corners of the avian world. With each click of the shutter, they freeze fleeting moments in time, enabling us to appreciate the fleeting beauty of our feathered friends.

Dear friends, let us express our gratitude to these talented photographers whose work has enriched our understanding and appreciation of birds. Through their dedication, skill, and keen eye for detail, they have transported us into the captivating world of avian wonders.

So, my fellow adventurers, let us celebrate the art of bird photography and embrace the visual journey that awaits us. Let these images ignite our curiosity, deepen our connection to nature, and inspire us to preserve and protect the precious biodiversity that graces our planet.

Stay tuned for more visual delights and immersive experiences, as we continue to explore the wonders that lie within the realm of our feathered companions.

������ #NatureThroughLenses #PhotographicWonders #BirdingAdventure

���� Capturing the Beauty: A Visual Journey through the Lens of Nature’s Finest Photographers! ����

Dear fellow adventurers, prepare to be captivated by a visual feast that showcases the remarkable talent of nature photographers who have captured the essence of our avian companions. Join me as we embark on a journey through these breathtaking images that transport us into the magical world of birds.

Our first stop is a tribute to the incredible work of Ivan Sjögren, Jim Merritt, Amit Kher, and Yasuhiko Komatsu, whose skillful photography brings us closer to the avian wonders that adorn our planet. Through their lens, we witness the vibrant plumage, the intricate details, and the sheer beauty that resides within each feathered creature. Their images remind us of the power of photography to encapsulate the essence and splendor of the natural world.

Next, we pay homage to the magnificent visual storytelling by CGTN, whose dedicated efforts bring us closer to the avian realm. Their images serve as windows into the lives and habitats of birds, allowing us to witness their remarkable behaviors, their vibrant colors, and their undeniable grace. Through their lens, we gain a deeper appreciation for the intricate tapestry of nature’s creations.

Our journey continues with a nod to the exceptional work of Hans Veth and ekicousch, whose contributions through Unsplash showcase the artistry of bird photography. Their images evoke a sense of wonder and curiosity, inviting us to explore the hidden corners of the avian world. With each click of the shutter, they freeze fleeting moments in time, enabling us to appreciate the fleeting beauty of our feathered friends.

Dear friends, let us express our gratitude to these talented photographers whose work has enriched our understanding and appreciation of birds. Through their dedication, skill, and keen eye for detail, they have transported us into the captivating world of avian wonders.

So, my fellow adventurers, let us celebrate the art of bird photography and embrace the visual journey that awaits us. Let these images ignite our curiosity, deepen our connection to nature, and inspire us to preserve and protect the precious biodiversity that graces our planet.

Stay tuned for more visual delights and immersive experiences, as we continue to explore the wonders that lie within the realm of our feathered companions.

������ #NatureThroughLenses #PhotographicWonders #BirdingAdventure

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