
tale that will resonate with

Mr. Wang Keju, a photographer with a strong commitment to wildlife preservation, has presented an extraordinary photographic exhibition titled “Love Between Two Cranes.” The exhibition recounts the epic love story of Dream, the father crane, and Cloud, the mother crane, who reside in the Zhalong Wetland of northeast China. Mr. Wang, with his passion for wildlife, has beautifully captured their story over a span of 7 years through his lens.

As a wildlife photographer, Wang Keju has spent years documenting the lives of wild cranes, following them through the seasons and capturing their unique stories through his lens. Through his carefully selected and ordered photographs, Wang brings to life the personal stories of these magnificent birds that he has come to know intimately.

From the heart-wrenching tale of a crane losing its mate to the fate of a lone crane struggling to survive, Wang’s photographs provide a deeply personal understanding of the lives of these creatures. He even tells the story of a crane family with one strong chick and another that falters, a tale that will resonate with anyone who has experienced the ups and downs of family life.

Through his photographs, Wang shows us that the lives of cranes are not so different from our own. They have relationships, experience loss and heartbreak, and struggle to survive in a world that is often harsh and unforgiving. But they also have moments of beauty, love, and joy that make their stories all the more precious.

Wang’s work is a testament to the power of photography to tell deeply personal stories and to bring us closer to the natural world. Through his lens, we are given a glimpse into the lives of these amazing birds and are reminded of the beauty and fragility of the world around us.

The Vice President of the International Crane Foundation is James Harris.

Meet the artist – Mr Wang Keju

Mr. Wang was born in 1959 in northern China and had previously worked in the Corporate Culture Department of CRRC Qiqihar Rolling Stock Co. Ltd. He became fascinated with red-crowned cranes due to the proximity of the wetland where he worked and the nature of his job. This fascination led him to study and photograph these birds for over two decades.

Mr. Wang Keju’s passion for the natural world has taken him on a remarkable journey from a corporate job in China to becoming an internationally renowned environmentalist, crane expert, and photographer for the International Crane Foundation.

Through years of dedicated work and study, Mr. Wang has become known as the “father of red-crowned cranes” in China. He has spent more than two decades observing and photographing these magnificent birds, capturing their beauty and sharing their stories with the world through his stunning photographs.

Mr. Wang’s work has not only brought attention to the beauty and fragility of these magnificent birds but has also helped to raise awareness of the importance of conservation efforts to protect their habitats. His tireless efforts have earned him a reputation as a leading expert in crane conservation, and he has become a well-respected figure in the field of environmentalism both in China and around the world.

Thanks to his dedication and passion, Mr. Wang has made a lasting impact on the world of conservation and has inspired countless others to join the effort to protect our natural world. His work is a reminder of the beauty and wonder of the natural world and a call to action to preserve it for generations to come.

Mr. Wang, an artist of national treasure level in China, was honored with the title of Top Ten Global Chinese Cultural Persons in 2017 by the Chinese Culture Promotion Society and Phoenix Satellite Television.

Zhalong Wetland National Nature Reserve

Located in the northeast province of Heilongjiang, China, Zhalong Wetland is a vast nature reserve that has been renowned for its waterfowl conservation efforts since its establishment in 1979. With a total area of 210,000 acres, it is a precious natural habitat that supports a wide variety of plant and animal life.

Zhalong Wetland is a natural paradise for waterfowl, with its climate and geographic characteristics making it an ideal habitat. The wetland is almost entirely covered with water reeds, creating a rich and diverse ecosystem. Zhalong Nature Reserve, which encompasses the wetland, is home to over 296 species of birds, with the majority being cranes.

The red-crowned crane

The red-crowned crane, scientifically known as “Grus japonensis”, is a large crane species that is native to East Asia. It is one of the rarest cranes in the world and is often referred to as “丹顶鹤” in Chinese, which literally means “red-crowned crane”. The name is derived from the Chinese characters ‘丹’ meaning ‘red’, ‘顶’ meaning ‘crown’ and ‘鹤’ meaning ‘crane’.

The red-crowned crane holds a special place in Chinese culture, being a symbol of luck, longevity, and nobility. Its significance is reflected in numerous myths and legends, where it is often portrayed as a sacred bird that brings good fortune and happiness. In Chinese art and literature, immortals are often depicted riding on the backs of cranes, further emphasizing the crane’s association with the divine.

In Chinese, the red-crowned crane is known as “仙鹤” (xiānhè), which translates to “fairy-crane” or “crane of the immortals”. This name speaks to the bird’s otherworldly beauty and grace, as well as its association with the heavens. Today, the red-crowned crane is a beloved national symbol of China, and efforts to protect and conserve its habitat are ongoing.

Red-crowned cranes are truly remarkable birds, not only for their beauty but also for their long lifespan and loyal relationships. With a lifespan of up to 70 years, these birds are known for their longevity and resilience.

When it comes to finding a partner, red-crowned cranes are quite particular. They typically mate for the first time when they are around three or four years old. Once they find a mate, they remain together for life, forming strong bonds that can last for decades. It’s truly heartwarming to observe these majestic birds flying and dancing together in perfect harmony.

The commitment of these cranes to their partners is a testament to the power of love and loyalty in the animal kingdom. It’s a beautiful reminder that all creatures, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant, are capable of forming deep and meaningful relationships. As we work to protect and conserve our natural world, let us remember the example set by these remarkable birds and strive to honor and preserve the bonds that connect us all.

Love Between Two Cranes

and their

As a travelling photographer and a lover of wildlife, I have had the privilege of visiting various wetlands and reserves around the world. However, there is one place that holds a special place in my heart – Zhalong Wetland in northeast China.

For over 20 years, I have been studying and photographing the magnificent red-crowned cranes that call this wetland home. It’s a place that has become like a friend to me, and every inch of it has been a part of my life. But there is one particular story that captures the magic of this place – the love story of Crane ‘Dream’ and ‘Cloud’.

It all began on a peaceful morning, as the sun rose from the horizon and a chorus of red-crowned cranes filled the air with their melodious songs. It was a moment of pure harmony, and the fairyland of Zhalong Wetland was alive with the beauty of nature.

It was on that morning that I first spotted Crane ‘Dream’ and ‘Cloud’ – two red-crowned cranes who would go on to captivate my heart and the hearts of many others. Their love story is a true testament to the beauty of nature and the unbreakable bond of love.

Red-crowned cranes are known for their long lifespans, with some living up to 70 years. When they mate, they remain partners for life, and Crane ‘Dream’ and ‘Cloud’ were no exception. They were together through thick and thin, supporting each other through the trials and tribulations of life.

Their love story has touched many hearts and has become a symbol of hope and resilience in the face of adversity. It’s a reminder of the beauty of nature and the importance of protecting these magnificent creatures for generations to come.

As I reflect on my time at Zhalong Wetland and the love story of Crane ‘Dream’ and ‘Cloud’, I am filled with a sense of awe and wonder. It’s moments like these that make me grateful for the opportunity to witness the beauty of nature up close and share it with the world.

In 1982, Dream (the father crane) and Cloud (the mother crane) were born as part of a breeding program for the endangered red-crowned crane. In 1999, I noticed Dream, the tall crane with a graceful temperament. Whenever I went to feed the cranes in the feeding zone, he was the only one who didn’t scramble with the others. Instead, Dream strolled towards me and began eating his food only after showing his gratitude by touching my hand with his beak.

In the tranquil surroundings of Zhalong Wetland, Dream and Cloud, the two red-crowned cranes, lived their lives in perfect harmony. Their love story started in this magical land, where they met, fell in love, and formed a strong bond that lasted for years to come.

Dream was known for his graceful temperament and towering presence, while Cloud was gentle and loving. The lake was their playground, where they spent their days playing in the water and enjoying each other’s company. After their playful activities, Dream would always shake off the water on his wings and embrace his wife with passion. Cloud, in return, enjoyed her husband’s affection and always hugged him back with love.

Their love for each other was palpable, and it was clear that they were made for each other. As they spent more time together, their bond grew stronger, and their love for each other blossomed.

Dream and Cloud’s love story is a testament to the power of love and the beauty of nature. In the following chapters, we will explore their journey together and learn more about their lives in Zhalong Wetland.

Chapter 2: A Romantic Proposal. During early spring, red-crowned cranes express their love through dance. Dream, being the romantic that he is, found a flower and danced around his beloved Cloud while holding this love token.

Chapter 3: Love for their Offspring. “During the summer when water reeds were flourishing around the lake, Dream and Cloud would take their two sons on food hunting trips. Dream would preen his feathers while Cloud fed her sons with fish. The elder son would run ahead while the younger one struggled to keep up with his brother.”

“The two young cranes were practicing foraging for food, displaying a strong bond of brotherhood. However, the younger crane was weaker and often in a disadvantaged position. Being concerned for the younger crane’s health, I prayed for him.”

“After my concerns, unfortunately, became a reality, the younger crane baby passed away during a windy and rainy night. Dream and Cloud were heartbroken and consoled each other in their grief. However, after the loss of their younger son, they paid even more attention to their remaining son. On a sunny day, surrounded by blooming flowers, the son looked up into his father’s eyes, seemingly comforting him. Dream placed his hope in his only remaining son. With the arrival of a new year came a new beginning. When spring arrived, Cloud gave birth to two new babies, and everything in the family went smoothly.”

In Chapter 4 of the story of Dream and Cloud, a misfortune fell onto Cloud, as her beak broke while foraging from ice cracks on a winter day. The beak is crucial for the survival of cranes, and a broken beak could lead to disastrous consequences for Cloud and her family. However, it turned out that there was no need to worry, as Dream stepped up and took care of her with great care and attention.

Beaks are important tools for cranes as they use them for various tasks, including foraging for food, drinking water, and even communicating with each other. Without a functioning beak, it is challenging for cranes to survive in the wild. But Dream did not let this happen to Cloud. Instead, he stood by her side and took care of her in sickness and in health.

Dream’s love and care for Cloud during this difficult time were truly remarkable. He helped her to find food and water, and even helped her to preen her feathers. The bond between Dream and Cloud was stronger than ever, and their love for each other was evident in every action they took.

Despite the challenges that came their way, Dream and Cloud’s love for each other remained unbroken. They showed that even in difficult times, love and care can make a world of difference.

“Every day, Dream would preen his wife’s feathers with tenderness. The feathers on the exterior of the body needed to be preened in reverse, which meant Dream had to turn his head upside down to complete the job. At this time, Cloud would rest her head into her wings and enjoy the love and care from her devoted partner.”

Rewritten: Chapter 5: The Uncertainty of Fate. The fate of cranes is as unpredictable as the weather. On a March afternoon in 2005, Dream was standing on top of the island, making mournful cries. I knew something was wrong. It seemed that Dream was unable to find Cloud and had returned to their usual habitat, hoping to locate his wife.

Dream tirelessly searched the island with his children, calling out anxiously and scanning the horizon in the hope of finding Cloud. He searched every spot where they had roamed together and called out to her with all his heart, but she never appeared again.

Chapter 6: I will see you in my dreams.

The loss of a loved one is always difficult to bear, and for Dream, the death of his beloved wife Cloud was a devastating blow. After tirelessly searching for her day after day, Dream was finally informed of her tragic fate.

The news was not easy to hear, but it was necessary for Dream to know. Cloud had been killed by foxes, and all that remained was her carcass. As the person who had been studying the cranes for years, the responsibility fell on me to inform Dream of what had happened.

Seeing the devastation on Dream’s face was heartbreaking, but it was my duty to help him through this difficult time. I knew that the bond between Dream and Cloud was strong, and it would take time for him to recover from his loss.

I made sure to support Dream in any way I could. I helped him care for his children and encouraged him to continue his pursuit of happiness. I knew that it would not be easy for him, but I believed in his resilience and strength.

Despite the pain and heartache that Dream experienced, he continued to honor the memory of his wife. He visited her grave often and spoke to her as if she was still there. He found solace in his dreams, where he could be reunited with his beloved Cloud once again.

As for me, I will always remember the love and devotion that Dream and Cloud shared. Their story is a testament to the enduring power of love, even in the face of tragedy.

During the spring and summer seasons, Dream remained at his territory all by himself, shedding tears and longing for his wife. One day, after a summer storm, a rainbow appeared in the sky. Dream took a glimpse at it and then walked away with a heavy heart. This scenic view used to be his wife’s favorite, but now he couldn’t share it with her. After letting out three loud cries, Dream beat his wings forcefully, ascended into the sky, and gradually vanished from my sight. He had departed, leaving behind his love for his wife and their homeland. Dream had chosen to embark on a journey into the unknown.

Love is a universal emotion that transcends all species and boundaries. This sentiment is beautifully captured in the book “Love Between Two Cranes” by Mr Wang Keju. The book tells the story of Dream and Cloud, two red-crowned cranes who fell in love and started a family.

Through stunning photographs and illustrations, we are taken on a journey through the different stages of Dream and Cloud’s life together. From falling in love and the romantic proposal to the deep love they had for their children, we witness their bond grow stronger with each passing moment.

However, their love story is not without its challenges. Cloud’s broken beak and tragic death serve as a reminder that life is unpredictable and that we must cherish our loved ones while we have them.

Despite the heartbreak, the story ends on a bittersweet note as Dream chooses to continue his life’s journey, knowing that his love for Cloud will remain with him forever.

The photographs and illustrations in the book are truly breathtaking, capturing the beauty and grace of these majestic birds. The text itself is both poetic and poignant, reminding us of the fragility of life and the importance of cherishing those we love.

“Love Between Two Cranes” is a beautiful testament to the power of love and the resilience of the human spirit. It is a must-read for anyone who believes in the enduring power of love and the importance of cherishing those closest to us.

Love is a universal emotion that transcends all species and boundaries. This sentiment is beautifully captured in the book “Love Between Two Cranes” by Mr Wang Keju. The book tells the story of Dream and Cloud, two red-crowned cranes who fell in love and started a family.

Through stunning photographs and illustrations, we are taken on a journey through the different stages of Dream and Cloud’s life together. From falling in love and the romantic proposal to the deep love they had for their children, we witness their bond grow stronger with each passing moment.

However, their love story is not without its challenges. Cloud’s broken beak and tragic death serve as a reminder that life is unpredictable and that we must cherish our loved ones while we have them.

Despite the heartbreak, the story ends on a bittersweet note as Dream chooses to continue his life’s journey, knowing that his love for Cloud will remain with him forever.

The photographs and illustrations in the book are truly breathtaking, capturing the beauty and grace of these majestic birds. The text itself is both poetic and poignant, reminding us of the fragility of life and the importance of cherishing those we love.

“Love Between Two Cranes” is a beautiful testament to the power of love and the resilience of the human spirit. It is a must-read for anyone who believes in the enduring power of love and the importance of cherishing those closest to us.

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