Biodiversity Crisis: Demanding U.S.-China Action | U.S.-China HORIZONS

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Biodiversity Crisis: Demanding U.S.-China Action | U.S.-China HORIZONS

It is abundantly clear that the world is currently facing a severe crisis when it comes to biodiversity. The rate at which species are disappearing is increasing rapidly, vast swathes of forests are being destroyed each year, and wildlife populations are plummeting at an alarming rate. This has led some experts to believe that we are on the verge of a catastrophic “sixth mass extinction.” These challenges are not limited to the United States and China; many other countries are also grappling with these issues. As a result, the UN Biodiversity Conference that took place in early October was a pivotal moment for global efforts to address this crisis. It is imperative that we mobilize together to tackle this looming disaster.

In a recent interview with Li Shuo, the topic of biodiversity loss was discussed in detail. It was emphasized that this issue is of mutual concern for both parties and that cooperation is necessary to address it. The importance of working together to ensure the future of the planet was also highlighted.

Biodiversity loss is a serious issue that affects us all. It has become increasingly clear that we must take action to protect our planet and the many species that call it home. This is why it is so important for countries to come together and work towards a common goal.

During the interview, Li Shuo highlighted specific areas where cooperation is essential. It was noted that addressing climate change is one of the most critical areas where joint efforts are needed. This is because climate change is one of the primary drivers of biodiversity loss. Therefore, taking steps to mitigate the impacts of climate change will be vital in protecting our planet’s biodiversity.

Another area of focus was the need for better conservation efforts. This includes protecting and restoring habitats that are vital to many species’ survival. It also involves efforts to reduce illegal wildlife trafficking and overfishing, which are major contributors to biodiversity loss.

In conclusion, Li Shuo’s interview emphasizes the need for cooperation and joint efforts to tackle the issue of biodiversity loss. It is clear that this is a problem that affects us all and requires a concerted effort to address. By working together, we can protect our planet’s biodiversity and ensure a brighter future for generations to come.

Speaker Bio

Li Shuo is a prominent senior global policy advisor at Greenpeace China, a leading environmental organization. His work focuses on multilateral environmental agreements, including the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Convention on Biological Diversity. Through his expertise in these areas, he plays a critical role in Greenpeace’s efforts to advocate for sustainable environmental policies that benefit the planet.

Mr. Li also leads Greenpeace’s efforts to promote better ocean governance under the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, as well as various regional fishery management organizations and the Antarctic Treaty. His extensive experience in these areas makes him a valuable asset to the organization, as it continues to pursue its mission to protect the world’s oceans and marine life.

At the domestic level, Mr. Li directs Greenpeace China’s policy campaigns on a wide range of issues, including air pollution, water, renewable energy, and fisheries. His work in these areas helps to drive important policy changes that benefit both the environment and local communities.

In summary, Li Shuo’s work as a senior global policy advisor at Greenpeace China is incredibly important. Through his leadership and expertise in a wide range of environmental issues, he helps to drive positive change both domestically and internationally. His work serves as an inspiration to those who are passionate about protecting the planet and preserving its biodiversity for generations to come.


has inspired policy innovation in

Li Shuo explains that the global biodiversity crisis is an urgent environmental problem caused by human activities. It encompasses issues such as the loss of habitat, species extinction, and the reduction of total biomass worldwide. This crisis has emerged as one of the most pressing environmental problems on the global agenda, and requires urgent cooperation from major countries.

To illustrate the urgency of the situation, scientists have reported that over 70% of the global land surface has been altered by human activities since the 16th century. Additionally, over 700 vertebrate species and nearly 600 plant species have gone extinct, with likely more species disappearing without our knowledge. As two large and biodiversity-rich countries, the U.S. and China are not immune to this crisis. In fact, the U.S. wildlife and fish service has recently declared 23 species extinct, while China is facing issues such as environmental pollution, wildlife trafficking, urbanization, and the impact of climate change, all of which contribute to the loss of biodiversity and ecosystem degradation.

Overall, the global biodiversity crisis is a planetary-scale problem that demands immediate attention and cooperation from all major countries. It is important to recognize the severity of this issue and take action to protect and restore our planet’s biodiversity before it’s too late.

Li Shuo explains that China is considered one of the 17 mega-biodiversity countries according to the United Nations, as the country is home to around 14% of global vertebrate species and more than 10% of plant species, making it a biodiversity-rich country. In recent years, there has been an increasing recognition of the importance of environmental protection, including the protection of biodiversity, as reflected in high-level political rhetoric and concepts such as ecological civilization.

Concrete policy measures have also been implemented in China to protect biodiversity, such as the establishment of national parks and protected areas, the tightening of the wildlife management system, and general improvements to environmental conditions such as air quality. However, Li acknowledges that there is still a long road ahead. For instance, while progress has been made in tightening wildlife management laws related to food, the outbreak of the COVID-19 crisis has highlighted loopholes related to wildlife as a source of medicine, fur, skin, or for display purposes. Therefore, there is still much that China can and should do to improve biodiversity and species protection.

Li Shuo discussed the upcoming COP-15 meeting for the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and the importance of this event. The CBD is an environmental convention that has struggled with implementation and resources, particularly from developed to developing countries. COP-15 will be a crucial milestone in outlining a new decade of global biodiversity protection plan. Li believes that China will have the task of steering the global community towards a strong deal and it will be a major test of China’s environmental diplomacy. It is not enough to simply outline a future global biodiversity vision. China must actively ensure that this vision is fulfilled and enforced, leaving a lasting legacy for the CBD and COP-15.

In regards to environmental protection and conservation, policymakers in the U.S. and China should understand two key points. First, engagement between the two countries in this field is crucial and has been successful in the past. For instance, policy dialogues between the U.S. and China helped bring attention to issues such as illegal fishing by Chinese overseas fleets, and information sharing and capacity building from the U.S. has inspired policy innovation in China, such as the establishment of their national park system. Second, both countries should continue to collaborate on global environmental governance issues, such as climate change, but also explore other areas where they can work towards the same goals, such as ocean protection and biodiversity conservation. Recent Chinese announcements, including their commitment to carbon neutrality and ratification of the Kigali amendment and overseas co-moratorium, suggest that there is still political willingness on the Chinese side to make concrete progress, and the U.S. has an important role to play in shaping China’s approach to these issues. By extending their political energy to these areas, both countries can make tangible progress that benefits not only themselves but also the world.


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